Sunday, July 03, 2005

Interland sucks - I had a thriving business before Interland

Interland sucks - I had a thriving business before Interland: "Story of a poor webmaster being taken advantage of by a big, uncaring company (Interland):"

Welcome to my blog about how bad Interland Sucks!

Interland is a terrible webhost company who should never get another penny from any honest webmaster. They have the worst reputation amongst webmasters for having poor support, unnecessary billing and countless other complaints.

My own experiance shows a HIGH turnover in customer service and technical support personnel. Perhaps it doesn't take long for new employees at Interland to find out that they are on a sinking ship.

Good-bye, Interland. Can't say that I am sorry to see you leave. YOU SUCK! Check this out: Tell me what you think that means? These guys have literally SCREWED thousands upon thousands of webmasters. Hey, you idiots over at Interland, who do you think controls the WorldWideWeb? CEOs in the suites of offices who can't type a line of html? Not quite. Webmasters do. You have crossed a line and good-bye.

Please leave your story about Interland web hosting sucking in my blog here.

The world needs to know your story too!
